Having enjoyable sex doesn't have to require penetration of any form, and the online sex community is there as proof. There are several means of exposing the orgasmic realms without penetration. And sex doesn't have to be alongside penetration before it can be regarded as sex.
If both partners have consented and are willing to explore the process together, once orgasm is reached from both ends, sexual intercourse is established. Hence, distance doesn't become a barrier to relationships, even if it thrives on orgasm. Since you can explore orgasmic encounters with online sexual experiences, any barriers are taken off. While in a relationship, you might do without sex for days or weeks, depending on the level of understanding from both parties.
Online sex is enjoyable as long as a call for sex is established between both partners, even if it's over the internet. The internet is a large community, and it could be explored fully, even though having sex online might seem a little off at the beginning. Before you begin, you should discuss if it's a long-distance relationship with your partner.
However, if it isn't, and you just want to begin exploring online sex, you must first understand some important facts about the online sex community. The dos and don'ts as well as the codes that guide the community. Once you do this, exploring sex online becomes easier.
So, in a nutshell, online sex without penetration is very enjoyable inasmuch as both partners are willing to make it work, and they understand the technical know-how. It might be weird at first, as it's not majorly the same as sexting. Since video call is included, there's a slight difference between video call for sex and regular sexting. So, ensure you and your partner understand this difference and are willing to make the arrangement work.
Top 3 benefits of exploring online sex without penetration
There are several perks to having online sex. If you are having issues with keeping a relationship, the online sex community can help you stay sexually active even without any penetration whatsoever. One important fact to note is that it's as enjoyable as penetrating sex and doesn't have any of its setbacks. Here are some of the few benefits of having online sex.
Doesn't promote the spread of diseases:
If there are any compensations for online sex, it doesn't breed STIs and STDs like other forms of sex. While you can enjoy all the perks of having sex, like orgasms and climax, you don't get any of the side effects like diseases. With your partner on the other end of the screen, you can explore all other forms of sex, positions, and even dirty talks without worrying about getting checked up after every intercourse.
Also, there's nothing like worrying about pregnancy. Online sex is an arrangement, a call for sex that doesn't require you to count days to and after having sex. No!! If you don't want to be a parent anytime soon, you might want to stick to having online sex alone.
It's very erotic:
The online sex community is one that can get very erotic in a blink of an eye. Most individuals who don't believe online sex can be enjoyable to don't enjoy sexting or haven't explored the sex community. If you haven't had sex online, this might become awkward, even with the popular sexting involved. With online sex, you can explore other angles to having sex, such as mutual masturbation with your partner.
The concept of mutual masturbation is one of the very little yet erotic sexual encounters both you and your partner can enjoy together. Instead of looking at the concept of online sex from afar, it would be more accurate if you could give it a shot.
It's an accurate means of building trust:
As simple as online sex might be, it could help build trust between two individuals. If you are in a relationship and your partner doesn't seem comfortable with the distance, having to call for sex online is one way to help remedy the situation. Sex could help establish that connection that might have seemed lost as a result of a lack of effective communication, unlike when you are together.
With online sex, both partners are brought together under a collective aim, which is to explore sex together. With this, it doesn't take much effort before trust is established and the relationship stronger than it used to be. So, above everything, make sure you do all it takes to establish trust in the relationship.

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