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Asian actress Lucy Liu topless striptease in City of Industry

Ever since I saw Lucy Liu in Charlie's Angels I had a little crush on this exotic babe. The beautiful Asian actress Lucy Liu is kinda known for not stripping topless or naked on the big and small screen but... we've found a rare exception in which she does show off her sexy small exotic boobies!

Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu in Charlie's Angels...

Finally after watching all the seasons of the great TV show 'Elementary', in which she looks absolutely hot and super cute... I really wanted to see what would be hidden underneath all of her clothes. And now I've got that chance since I've just discovered Lucy Liu did strip (half) naked early in her carreer as she did a topless striptease in the 1997 movie City of Industry.

Lucy Liu topless boobs in City of Industry (1997)

City of Industry is a 1997 neo-noir crime film starring Harvey Keitel, Stephen Dorff and Timothy Hutton. It is directed by John Irvin, produced by Evzen Kolar and Ken Solarz and written by Solarz.

A rare scene in which Lucy Liu takes off some of her clothes... Woohoo!

Asian actress Lucy Liu topless striptease in City of Industry

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